Friday, October 17, 2008
Finally Right?....
Hey well i thought that I would post again since i haven't done so since the Derby. I thought that the derby post would have been good for a year but i guess that some people didn't think so. Well we are done Mid-terms as of yesterday and today was back to normal classes, it is going on week 10 and this semester is going by pretty quick. Things are becoming due and we have a Seminar coming up in a couple of weeks so that should be really good. Well I think that I am going to go but I have posted so I might try and do it again but my post are boring so Yeah!... well I will talk to you all later.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Demolition Derby
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Well here are some pictures of the Car that i had ran in Monday nights derby it was a lot fun even though i didn't do to good. I did better than I usually did so i was happy with that my car would not run right for some reason. but of course my brother did good he always does he won the whole thing. winning 600 and 2 trophy's. The sad thing is his car runs better than mine sitting out in the yard. We unloaded them and I got into his car and was hitting mine it was allot of fun. I almost rolled the car over though. but i didn't so that was good. Sunday I was able to preach in their nursing home. It was really neat, there was atleast 35 people there and the place tp preach looked like church they had a pulpit and everything it was amazing to me anyway. This was my first time going, but Lord willing i was to go back there just to help out with it. They only can do it once a month so that kinda stinks. Then after i had done that i came home and was organizing my message for Sunday night. That went really well. people can't get over the progress i had made and they are always sure to remind me how bad i was ;). Even my pastor says that. He's full of jokes anyways. but he is an awesome guy I like him. You can tell he prays and cares allot for his people and that is always a great feeling. There is not much time left for going back to school and again iam going to miss everything back here but i know that school is where i need to be right now so that's what i will do. Well I believe thats all I am going to say I am going to try to upload some of Ronnie's pictures Until next time.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
What a Week!
Well I am sorry for the time that i didn't post. I didn't realize that it has been since Ohio that I posted anything sorry about that. Well I just got home from preaching and I think I did alright. I actually did 30 minutes so everyone was surprised at that. The only problem with that was this was the Sunday we do the Lords Table, so it ran over about 15 minutes, but it turned out alright. Both of my Uncles were there it was really nice for them to come. It was my Uncle Steve and his wifes first time being at my church and my Uncle worked from 7PM to 7 This morning and then tried to get some sleep and then he came up to church. I don't know if i would ever do that. So that was amazing that he came I was really happy. This morning also my brother sang in church. It was really nice I am amazed every time that he sings. He does it acopella or however you spell it and it was really good. And of course though every time I preach there has to be alot of visitors and i was trying to convince my pastor into preaching but he wouldn't so I did of course. ( I was half way joking with him anyway);)
I have three Wednesday nights coming up that i will be doing so that should be fun and i will be preaching Sunday night 2 Sundays from now and then Aug. 10. so i will have a busy time getting those things ready and then i have a car to build for the Derby the 21. That I am going to have to work on tonight but have to finish my studys for this Wednesday. well I belive that is all i will try not to let it be so long before i post again. Until Nest time
I have three Wednesday nights coming up that i will be doing so that should be fun and i will be preaching Sunday night 2 Sundays from now and then Aug. 10. so i will have a busy time getting those things ready and then i have a car to build for the Derby the 21. That I am going to have to work on tonight but have to finish my studys for this Wednesday. well I belive that is all i will try not to let it be so long before i post again. Until Nest time
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Home From Toledo!
Wow!. It feels like we had just gotten there like a couple of days ago and here we are home now. What a week it was though it was all running together and it was hard to remember who preached what. There was a total of 22 messages preach. There were alot of preachers there. I can't remember all of the names that had preached but i know of Mark Rogers, Jim McGaughey, Dan Something, Paul Heaton, Dan something. Then there was a father and a son, and both of them were preachers and they both got to preach a good bit the one was older and it was really cool. Stephan and Mickey Carter they were really cool. I had learned allot and had gotten a whole lot of preaching material ;) yeah well it was nice I am definitely going next yeah. But right now I gotta go to be later all Until Next Time
Monday, June 16, 2008
Here in Toledo Ohio!
I was thinking today that I will post today when I had time and then probably when i get back home i will do this again. Wow what a day so far. We woke up around 9 and was wanting to get on the road about 11 ans we were getting things packed and everything so we were getting later and we left about 11:45 which i guess wasn't bad but I would have liked to leave a little earlier but it was ok. We were coming up here and it was really nice time with my Dad we talked a good bit. The sun was shining and it was nice and then it started getting a little darker stated raining a little bit and then it started dumping bad. Then it was turning into hail and it was pretty big hail coming down i was surprised. it was almost marble size it looked like, but everything worked out. We got here around 5:30 and then we checked into the Hotel and then we had to hurry up and get the things out of the car and get ready and everything. Then we started to leave the Hotel and the door wouldn't lock. Then we had to call down to the desk and we had to change the rooms which was kinda inconvienient but it was alright. we made it there on time and it was an amazing first night the services started at 6:30 and then lasted till 6 or so and then we went to the gym for food. we have to pay for the night food, but for the morning and Lunch meals they are free and the best. I like them alot. There was a group of singers there tonight though and they were really good. Their was a boy and 4 girls and they didn't miss a note the whole time. sounded professional. it was really nice i liked that too. well then my Dad and I talked to pastor Snow and then Dustin got me to go to his table so i went over there and it was ok. Then Joel called me and i felt really bad because I had to go and we didn't get out of there until late so I couldn't call him back so I was a little upset about that but it was ok we had good fellowship and good preaching for the first two messages of the conference. I am sure there is more on the way. Well then we got back to the hotel about 11 I think somewhere around there and we went out to Wal-mart (Shanes favorite place) right Shane ?... and then got a few things and back here again to stay. My dad is sleeping right no and we have Wi-Fi here at the Hotel so this is pretty neat. Anyway i have a long day tomorrow so I am going to bed I will try to post agian this week but if not when i get home. Until Next Time.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Late Night!
Well it is 2:30 here but I have not been posting as much as I wanted to. Well the last time I had posted I did have allot of prayer request. I wont have much in this one I don't think.
Well anyways tonight I conducted the whole Wednesday service it was really neat I led the song and then did my message and then i took prayer request. I guess it might not sound to exciting to all of you but it really was for me. This break is going by fast. I will be going to Ohio on Monday. That will be a really good week I will actually sleep there probably. It will be nice there will be 3 preachers in the morning and then there will be 2 at night will some special music and congregational's so it should be a fun week.
Another thing that happened tonight. Pastor Snow ( A Pastor Friend) called me and my brother and was asking if we would be able to go and unload a U haul. and we told them that we would so he was like well we will call you when the truck gets to the storage place. So we went down there and it was about 11:30 when we got down there. We looked at the U haul and I thought that it was going to take a long time to unload, but Pastor Snow had called more help than us so there was a couple of other guys that was helping which was good. I liked that kind of work though allot better sitting around doing nothing. so we got home at about 1:15 or something like that. And while we was loading th stuff in the storage we heard a cat and it was getting louder and we thought that we had trapped a cat in all that stuff. and so i started looking here it was on all there stuff stretching out on the side of these peoples mattress and so i went over there and was trying to get it down and then i finally got it and jumped on a pole to put it back over the fence to try and keep it out. but a few minutes later we saw it walking toward us so we were just scaring it away, but it worked out well I think that I am going to go to bed. Quick update on my Granpap. He is now in the Nursing Home and is not doing the greatest but of course with what he has he wont be getting much better anyway. Only God knows. Just pray for the Lord perfect will to be met in his life I guess. Well I think that I am going to go to bed early tonight Talk to you all soon.
Well anyways tonight I conducted the whole Wednesday service it was really neat I led the song and then did my message and then i took prayer request. I guess it might not sound to exciting to all of you but it really was for me. This break is going by fast. I will be going to Ohio on Monday. That will be a really good week I will actually sleep there probably. It will be nice there will be 3 preachers in the morning and then there will be 2 at night will some special music and congregational's so it should be a fun week.
Another thing that happened tonight. Pastor Snow ( A Pastor Friend) called me and my brother and was asking if we would be able to go and unload a U haul. and we told them that we would so he was like well we will call you when the truck gets to the storage place. So we went down there and it was about 11:30 when we got down there. We looked at the U haul and I thought that it was going to take a long time to unload, but Pastor Snow had called more help than us so there was a couple of other guys that was helping which was good. I liked that kind of work though allot better sitting around doing nothing. so we got home at about 1:15 or something like that. And while we was loading th stuff in the storage we heard a cat and it was getting louder and we thought that we had trapped a cat in all that stuff. and so i started looking here it was on all there stuff stretching out on the side of these peoples mattress and so i went over there and was trying to get it down and then i finally got it and jumped on a pole to put it back over the fence to try and keep it out. but a few minutes later we saw it walking toward us so we were just scaring it away, but it worked out well I think that I am going to go to bed. Quick update on my Granpap. He is now in the Nursing Home and is not doing the greatest but of course with what he has he wont be getting much better anyway. Only God knows. Just pray for the Lord perfect will to be met in his life I guess. Well I think that I am going to go to bed early tonight Talk to you all soon.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
What A Week
This is probably not going to be a very long post but i wanted to post some things that are going on here.
This week i had started back to work which is always good. Getting to see the people that you know again. Please pray that i will have oppertunitys to witness to these people. The Highest manager there at Burger King is a Christian. It is really nice. sometimes we talk about the bible and things like that it is really neat to be able to talk to someone there about that kind of stuff. Kathy (another manager) she always will ask me questions about the bible because I am in Bible College. That is something that opened allot of doors to wittness. There is another guy there and he work from like 10:30pm to about 6:00am and he comes in and we talk about things of the bible sometimes too. He is unsaved he thinks that your are able to get to Heaven by being a good person. We have talked about those things before but pray for him as well.
Well tuesday after I got off of work my brother called me and was wanting me to meet him up at the Hospital. So I met up with him and was going to go see my Grandpap. He is in real bad shape. He has COPD along with his suger problem and he just found out that he has this staff infection. He had gotten this from the hospital the last time he was in i guess well they had just found out tuesday. This infection is trasferred through the air. We didn't know that when we went in but then they told us to ask the nurses if we had to put something on to see him and they made us put on these masks to go see him. He was really happy to see us, but he is in bad shape I know that.
Then Wednesday we went to church and it was really good my pastor is amazing. He was talking about how sometimes that we go into church without being prepared to receive the message. And many time that is the case and he was talking about people always saying that they are not getting fed and he was saying how that they were not coming to recieve the message. Sometimes it is just what we do I guess. Just go through with the motions and not really get anything out of it. Then he was talking about us in our devotions and how that we don't get anything out of them because of the same reasons. It was really good. Well it is now Thursday but nothing has happened right now. Well I got to go Until Next Time
This week i had started back to work which is always good. Getting to see the people that you know again. Please pray that i will have oppertunitys to witness to these people. The Highest manager there at Burger King is a Christian. It is really nice. sometimes we talk about the bible and things like that it is really neat to be able to talk to someone there about that kind of stuff. Kathy (another manager) she always will ask me questions about the bible because I am in Bible College. That is something that opened allot of doors to wittness. There is another guy there and he work from like 10:30pm to about 6:00am and he comes in and we talk about things of the bible sometimes too. He is unsaved he thinks that your are able to get to Heaven by being a good person. We have talked about those things before but pray for him as well.
Well tuesday after I got off of work my brother called me and was wanting me to meet him up at the Hospital. So I met up with him and was going to go see my Grandpap. He is in real bad shape. He has COPD along with his suger problem and he just found out that he has this staff infection. He had gotten this from the hospital the last time he was in i guess well they had just found out tuesday. This infection is trasferred through the air. We didn't know that when we went in but then they told us to ask the nurses if we had to put something on to see him and they made us put on these masks to go see him. He was really happy to see us, but he is in bad shape I know that.
Then Wednesday we went to church and it was really good my pastor is amazing. He was talking about how sometimes that we go into church without being prepared to receive the message. And many time that is the case and he was talking about people always saying that they are not getting fed and he was saying how that they were not coming to recieve the message. Sometimes it is just what we do I guess. Just go through with the motions and not really get anything out of it. Then he was talking about us in our devotions and how that we don't get anything out of them because of the same reasons. It was really good. Well it is now Thursday but nothing has happened right now. Well I got to go Until Next Time
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